
Arcos de la Frontera

Le samedi, 10 octobre 2009

The evenings down at the Pizarro or at La Parada, bebiendo cerveza con los Ingleses (drinking beer with the brits) are refreshing... and very useful! Not only do I get to speak in English at a normal speed, but I also find out about events and guitar lessons and people of Alcalá. I’ve also started to invite myself to hitch a ride with the brits when they drive out of town.

Like Saturday for example! Tony and Nicola had errands to run somewhere a bit farther than Arcos de la Frontera, so they dropped me off in the village and picked me up on their way back! Ok, I was only there two hours, but it was a wonderful two hours in a bright white labyrinth of cobbled stone streets, and their was an impressive view from up in the center (Arcos is built at the top of a cliff). As it was the siesta (14h-16h), I didn’t see many people other than tourists, and only a few touristy pubs and restaurants were open in the center. I’ll have to go back one day during the evening… hm, sounds familiar. Didn’t I say that about Jerez?

pics coming up!

Song of the day: Al Alba – José Mercé

1 comment:

  1. Ça sonne comme toutes ces petites places là sont super cool et PROCHES! ... can't wait to see picktcheeerrrrs! (j'commence à sonner comme andrew... "beeettur", "inturrrnet", fasturrr)

    la toune était pas ma préférée mais uh.... j'ai en masse de posts à attendre ek d'autres tounes de la journée
