
Chiclana con't

Le samedi, kekchose novembre 2009

Hm, it’s been a while since I last wrote in English! Here goes:

*RING!* Wake up to the sound of my cell phone alarm at 10 am… turn it off. Hm shit, that wasn’t the alarm tone, that was the ring tone. Oops. If it’s important they’ll call ag- *RING!* …guh… “ ‘lo?” Ah, Helen, English woman from Alcalá wants me to help out this girl called Concha (that's right les Argentines, laugh it up!) with her English homework, as she’s heading out of town. Um, I’m actually in Chiclana now… (con una resaca)” “Chiclana already! What an early riser!” “yeaaahhh… anywho, tell her I’ll help tomorrow.” Didn’t want to make her feel bad about waking me up!

In the kitchen, Carmen attempted to make some churro (pretty much the equivalent of a long thin deep-fried Beavertail, minus the sugar toppings) – sans trop de succès. I met her sister and we ate breakfast in front of the TV with Achilles *my canine lover* drooling allover my lap. Thought I was the smarty pants there, making my own Andalucian toast with tomato paste and olive oil (from Alcalá la Real! Sweet!), when Carmen says “uh, NOT tomato paste, this is tomato jam… as in with sugar.” Oh. Well. Interesting taste.

We went for a super long walk on the beach, during which I collected about half the seashells of the Spanish eastern coast. (Including live one which scared the crap out of me when I reached in the bag at home.) No need to go swimming when you’ve got good ol’ Achilles splashing around and shaking his wet booty at your side. Now that’s got to be some sign of affection… Warm wind, old fortress in the distance, seagulls above, waves splashing on the rocks… no one else but us on the long long romantic beach… too bad I was with Carmen and not with her boyfriend! (hehe, yea I know you’re reading this Angel! Just kidding! :P)

Nothing opens up the appetite more than… talking about food. So here we are, eating again, in a rather hip restaurant, well decorated and with a menu made out of old vinyls (why didn’t I think of that!). Small portions but sooooo good. It left room in the tummy for a chocolate ball dessert topped with prickling sparkles.

There’s only very few people nice enough to come pick me up in the armpit of Cadiz, take me out in the Chiclana bars and to the beach, and drive me back home the next day! Merci Carmen!

1 comment:

  1. Tu ne "popotes" pas autant que nous dans le temps de Bruxelles on dirait... Mais c'est vrai que t'es pas en échange là... Tu travailles ;)
